onsdag den 27. april 2011


When Flat Eric was born in London, his mother was so terrified to see that he was not a human baby, but a teddy bear that she had a postpartum depression and decided that she did not want poor Eric. Eric’s father, who is Danish, then moved to a Copenhagen suburb with Eric.

Now many years later, Eric has finally gotten hold of his mother’s address. It took a lot of courage and quite a bit planning, but finally Eric decided to buy plane tickets from Copenhagen to London to go pay his mother an unexpected visit. Of course the main purpose of the trip is meeting his English family, but Flat Eric is very fond of a drink and enjoys shopping, so naturally he can be found on the streets of London and in the vivid nightlife of the English capitol landing birds. He is quite a ladies’ man, we can assure you.

To be continued …

                                          Flat Eric on his way to Copenhagen Airport
                                          Flat Eric at Copenhagen Airport waiting for his
                                          plane to depart
                                          Flat Eric on a shopping spree
                                          Flat Eric chilling with his homies Winston and
                                                       An exhausted Eric on his way back
                                                       to the hotel
                                                       A happy Flat Eric meeting his
                                                       grandmother for the first time
                                                       Flat Eric meeting his mother for
                                                       the first time
                                                       Eric fucks everything with a
                                                       pulse when he's drunk - even elephants
                                          Flat Eric with his homie Barfoed
                                                        Flat Eric with a sweet Italian
                                                       Flat Eric makes friends all the time
A hungover Flat Eric chilling in
                                                       Hyde Park on a sunny sunday
Flat Eric at Regent Street
Flat Eric checking in at Heathrow
Flat Eric met two beautiful sweedish flickas in CPH Airport

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